Свой Public Server

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Зарегистрирован: 05 апр 2012, 14:41

Re: Свой Public Server

Сообщение valimumble »

I had the same murmur public registration “problem” so I’ll post “my solution”.

A few lines from the (original) murmur.ini file:

Код: Выделить всё

# To enable public server registration, the serverpassword must be blank, and
# this must all be filled out.
# The password here is used to create a registry for the server name; subsequent
# updates will need the same password. Don't lose your password.
# The URL is your own website, and only set the registerHostname for static IP
# addresses.
# Only uncomment the 'registerName' parameter if you wish to give your "Root" channel a custom name.
#registerName=Mumble Server

The “help” lines for these parameters are very confusing.

The confusion begins within the first phrase: “must be blank” and immediately after “must all be filled”. So blank or filled ?

Then, they tell us that “The password here is used to create a registry for the server name; subsequent updates will need the same password.” So now you begin to suspect that we might need a password here but you are not 100% sure yet…
The answer is YES, we need to uncomment that (registerPassword) line and to put a password.

The help for the registerName parameter – “Only uncomment the 'registerName' parameter if you wish to give your "Root" channel a custom name”, is not that foggy if you ignore the “Only” word from the beginning.
Obviously there are no nameless murmur servers on their public list therefore this parameter MUST be activated…
So YES, we need to uncomment that (registerName) line and baptize the server (be creative here!)

Now comes the biggest confusion, guilty for many murmur server registration FAILURE, the registerUrl
Well the “help” clearly states - “The URL is your own website”.
You SHOULD NOT CHANGE that original “https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/” url if you want your server to be listed.

Here is the registerUrl definition (from the “UPDATED” sourceforge website!):
This points to a URL to the website for the server. Put your group's website, your sponsor's website, or the website where users can self-administrate with the server. They can right-click on your server in the registration list to access this URL.

So this is beyond a lousy help. It’s a conspiracy! (That’s why the public list is almost empty compared to the number of downloads…)
You must uncomment that (registerUrl) line but you must_not_change the original registrar address.
It should be/remain like this:

Now about the “registerHostname “ parameter.
The “help” says “and only set the registerHostname for static IP addresses”. You see? The combination “and only” force you to believe that you must type an IP address or else it will not work...
Not true! You SHOULD put your DNS_hostname (don’t have one? then read about dynamic dns).
If you can ping your mydnshostname.whateverdomain.com (from another internet address) then it will work.
Something like this:

There is ANOTHER COMPULSORY CONDITION if you want your Murmur server to be registered/listed:
Whatever value you type in the “registerHostname” parameter, must be PINGABLE from the internet (or at least from the sourceforge.net domain)

Here is (some) of the code that conditions the initial registration (of your murmur server) and ulterior updates:

Код: Выделить всё

void Server::initRegister() {
	connect(&qtTick, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update()));

	if (! qsRegName.isEmpty()) {
		if (!qsRegName.isEmpty() && !qsRegPassword.isEmpty() && qurlRegWeb.isValid() && qsPassword.isEmpty() && bAllowPing)
			qtTick.start((60 + (qrand() % 120))* 1000);
			log("Registration needs nonempty 'registername', 'registerpassword' and 'registerurl', must have an empty 'password' and allowed pings.");
	} else {
		log("Not registering server as public");

void Server::update() {
	if (qsRegName.isEmpty() || qsRegPassword.isEmpty() || !qurlRegWeb.isValid() || !qsPassword.isEmpty() || !bAllowPing)

	// When QNAM distinguishes connections by client cert, move this to Meta
	if (! qnamNetwork)
		qnamNetwork = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);

	qtTick.start(1000 * (60 * 60 + (qrand() % 300)));
So as you can see in if (!qsRegName.isEmpty() && !qsRegPassword.isEmpty() && qurlRegWeb.isValid() && qsPassword.isEmpty() && bAllowPing)
The registration depends on
registerName not beign empty,
registerPassword not beign empty,
registerUrl not beign empty AND NOT different from https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/
registerPassword not beign empty,
AND bAllowPing (aka to ping and to be be pingable)

The End

more seo focus
murmur problem registration public internet list listing not listed mumble cannot see does not appear missing registerUrl registerHostname registerName registerPassword waited but nothing ping ok however public server registration registered issue

Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 25 окт 2015, 11:46

Добавить свой сервер в список серверов

Сообщение kalifcd »

Создал уже как год назад свой сервер, и хотелось бы что он отображался в списке серверов моей страны, как это сделать?

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Re: Свой Public Server

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